How can I get instant coin prices in flow form from api with swift?

I want to receive coin prices and changes instantly as a stream. Also want to get trade history in my mobile application (iOS). I couldn’t find such an example in swift. How can I do that?

I want to receive coin prices and changes instantly as a stream.

Subscribe to @ticker streams.

Also want to get trade history.

Either query the /api/v3/myTrades endpoint or subscribe the the User Data Stream and listen for order updates.

I couldn’t find such an example in swift. How can I do that?

There is no official sdk or library for Binance APIs on swift.

Thank you for your help Alex. I have one more question. You said

or subscribe the the User Data Stream and listen for order updates.

How can I tell if the trade was successful in User Data Stream (Order Updates)? And does only return open positions or does it return in past trades in order updates?