I have a buy order in javascript that works great, the sell is a copy of it with some changes to the parameters but when I run it using node js it never becomes and order!
Does anyone have any ideas?..
Here is the partial code…
var CPair = “ADAUSD”
var CQty = 20
var CSPrice = 0.8400
//this needs to be run in CMD line in folder that contains the js in order to run
//npm i xmlhttprequest
var XMLHttpRequest = require(“xmlhttprequest”).XMLHttpRequest;
//Base URL
var burl = “https://api.binance.us”;
var endPoint = “/api/v3/order”;
var dataQueryString = “symbol=” + CPair + “&side=SELL&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=‘GTC’&quantity=” + CQty + “&price=” + CSPrice;