has there been change to api schema?


Has there been change to @trade stream schema? it seam that it no longer provides a and b fields i am getting validation errors

[0]  |   newData: {
[0]  |     e: 'depthUpdate',
[0]  |     E: 1718824274818,
[0]  |     s: 'ETHBTC',
[0]  |     U: 7373486541,
[0]  |     u: 7373486541,
[0]  |     b: [],
[0]  |     a: [ [Array] ]
[0]  |   }
[0]  | }
[0]  | {
[0]  |   newData: {
[0]  |     e: 'depthUpdate',
[0]  |     E: 1718824275218,
[0]  |     s: 'ETHBTC',
[0]  |     U: 7373486542,
[0]  |     u: 7373486542,
[0]  |     b: [ [Array] ],
[0]  |     a: []
[0]  |   }
[0]  | }
[0]  | {
[0]  |   newData: {
[0]  |     e: 'trade',
[0]  |     E: 1718824275921,
[0]  |     s: 'ETHBTC',
[0]  |     t: 450766789,
[0]  |     p: '0.05469000',
[0]  |     q: '0.93470000',
[0]  |     T: 1718824275920,
[0]  |     m: true,
[0]  |     M: true
[0]  |   }
[0]  | }
[0]  | TRPCError: ladderDataStream validation failed with [
[0]  |   {
[0]  |     "code": "invalid_union",
[0]  |     "unionErrors": [
[0]  |       {
[0]  |         "issues": [
[0]  |           {
[0]  |             "received": "trade",
[0]  |             "code": "invalid_literal",
[0]  |             "expected": "depthUpdate",
[0]  |             "path": [
[0]  |               "e"
[0]  |             ],
[0]  |             "message": "Invalid literal value, expected \"depthUpdate\""
[0]  |           },
[0]  |           {
[0]  |             "code": "invalid_type",
[0]  |             "expected": "number",
[0]  |             "received": "undefined",
[0]  |             "path": [
[0]  |               "U"
[0]  |             ],
[0]  |             "message": "Required"
[0]  |           },
[0]  |           {
[0]  |             "code": "invalid_type",
[0]  |             "expected": "number",
[0]  |             "received": "undefined",
[0]  |             "path": [
[0]  |               "u"
[0]  |             ],
[0]  |             "message": "Required"
[0]  |           },
[0]  |           {
[0]  |             "code": "invalid_type",
[0]  |             "expected": "array",
[0]  |             "received": "undefined",
[0]  |             "path": [
[0]  |               "b"
[0]  |             ],
[0]  |             "message": "Required"
[0]  |           },
[0]  |           {
[0]  |             "code": "invalid_type",
[0]  |             "expected": "array",
[0]  |             "received": "undefined",
[0]  |             "path": [
[0]  |               "a"
[0]  |             ],
[0]  |             "message": "Required"
[0]  |           }
[0]  |         ],
[0]  |         "name": "ZodError"
[0]  |       },
[0]  |       {
[0]  |         "issues": [
[0]  |           {
[0]  |             "code": "invalid_type",
[0]  |             "expected": "number",
[0]  |             "received": "undefined",
[0]  |             "path": [
[0]  |               "b"
[0]  |             ],
[0]  |             "message": "Required"
[0]  |           },
[0]  |           {
[0]  |             "code": "invalid_type",
[0]  |             "expected": "number",
[0]  |             "received": "undefined",
[0]  |             "path": [
[0]  |               "a"
[0]  |             ],
[0]  |             "message": "Required"
[0]  |           }
[0]  |         ],
[0]  |         "name": "ZodError"
[0]  |       }
[0]  |     ],
[0]  |     "path": [],
[0]  |     "message": "Invalid input"
[0]  |   }

is there a way to be informed about any breaking changes to the api in the future? Do you have a poilcy of informing users about such changes, should i subscribe to a mailing or should i be following any other updates? Thanks a lot for help on this one

Yes. See the 2024-06-11 changelog entry.

Fields a and b have been removed.

Important API announcements are posted on the @binance_api_announcements Telegram channel. (There wasn’t one in this case, regrettably.)

An archive of API announcements is also available.

Updates are available early on Spot Test Network, typically a week or two in advance.

thank you @ilammy!