Hey guys,
I have issues getting user event data from the API. I tried the examples in the com.binance.client.examples library
public class SubscribeUserData {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions();
SyncRequestClient syncRequestClient = SyncRequestClient.create(PrivateConfig.API_KEY, PrivateConfig.SECRET_KEY,
// Start user data stream
String listenKey = syncRequestClient.startUserDataStream();
System.out.println("listenKey: " + listenKey);
// Keep user data stream
// Close user data stream
SubscriptionClient client = SubscriptionClient.create(PrivateConfig.API_KEY, PrivateConfig.SECRET_KEY);
client.subscribeUserDataEvent(listenKey, ((event) -> {
}), null);
and also
public class UserDataStreamExample {
public static void main(String args) {
BinanceApiClientFactory factory = BinanceApiClientFactory.newInstance("", “”);
BinanceApiRestClient client = factory.newRestClient();
// First, we obtain a listenKey which is required to interact with the user data stream
String listenKey = client.startUserDataStream();
// Then, we open a new web socket client, and provide a callback that is called on every update
BinanceApiWebSocketClient webSocketClient = factory.newWebSocketClient();
// Listen for changes in the account
webSocketClient.onUserDataUpdateEvent(listenKey, response -> {
if (response.getEventType() == UserDataUpdateEventType.ACCOUNT_UPDATE) {
AccountUpdateEvent accountUpdateEvent = response.getAccountUpdateEvent();
// Print new balances of every available asset
} else {
OrderTradeUpdateEvent orderTradeUpdateEvent = response.getOrderTradeUpdateEvent();
// Print details about an order/trade
// Print original quantity
// Or price
System.out.println("Waiting for events...");
// We can keep alive the user data stream
// client.keepAliveUserDataStream(listenKey);
// Or we can invalidate it, whenever it is no longer needed
// client.closeUserDataStream(listenKey);
None of these deliver any event data when I do something in the binacne account, like opening positions.
Any ideas what could be wrong here?
Many thanks