I’m currently getting trading volume for symbol-pair in the following way:
klines = client.get_historical_klines("BTCUSDT",
Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE, "15 minutes ago")
This prints
[[1642174680000, '42991.47000000', '43001.66000000', '42943.61000000', '42983.64000000', '41.10926000', 1642174739999, '1766726.94010750', 1184, '16.04929000', '689759.40882560', '0'],
[1642175520000, '43028.41000000', '43030.99000000', '42965.51000000', '42981.21000000', '31.01809000', 1642175579999, '1333526.89579150', 694, '7.22654000', '310647.24245450', '0']]
And here klines[0][5] means a trading volume of ‘BTCUSDT’ 15 minutes ago in one minute, Right?
But what if I want to get trading volume for ‘BTC’, not ‘BTCUSDT’?
Should I repeat this process for all possible pairs? such as ‘BTCETH’, ‘BTCUSDT’ and so on?
Is there a simpler way to do this rather than iterating all possible pairs?