Get trade from 2021 / 2022 using binance api


I am trying to retrieve all of my trades from the time I registered on Binance (in 2021) using the Binance API. However, I am encountering an issue.

When I make the following API call:

API Call :
Param : params = {
‘symbol’: ELGDLUSDT,
‘startTime’: 2021-01-01’,
The query works fine, but I am only able to fetch trades from 2023 and 2024.
Could you please advise on how to retrieve all my trades since my Binance registration in 2021? Is there a limitation in the API, or do I need to apply any additional parameters?

Hi @chwebe, are you using a milliseconds timestamp for the startTime param?

That’s I already did.

After some further research in the Binance Python telegram. We can’t retrieve too old transaction… :confused:

The retrieval period is 2 years, so yes you can’t retrieve transactions older than 2 years.