Get Spot Rebate History Records startTime and endTime issue


I’ve been trying the new GET /sapi/v1/rebate/taxQuery (Binance API Documentation) endpoint.
Not specifying startTime and endTime seems to correctly return the last 7 days of data.
Specyfying startTime and endTime however returns an empty response {'status': 'OK', 'type': 'GENERAL', 'code': '000000000', 'data': {}}.
I tried both second and millisecond timestamps, after June 10, 2020 and any attempt would give an empty response.

Note: specifying a startTime and endTime within 7 days from today gives a response.

I would appreciate some help.

Best regards,

Hi @GG-lemon, unfortunately we can’t request client ID here to check account data and verify this issue, would it be possible to redirect the question to your account manager, please?

Thank you for the quick answer.
It seems to be related to the amount of data my account has. Querying smaller time ranges gives a non-empty answer.
I think it would be better to have an error rather than an empty response if there is data but for some reason it cannot be returned.

@GG-lemon the issue in under investigation.

I have also issues with the rebate endpoint. I already chatted with the support and they asked me to also reply here!

We have a very large account.
I fetched 196133 rebates from 16.11. to 28.12. (with a 6 days timeframe, because a higher timeframe resulted in a “Verification failed”) → but when I started the fetching again in this timeframe, I dont receive any records.
No timeframe is working: 5min, 1h, 2h, 24h, 48h, 6d, 1 week, …

Hope this reply helps to get more priority for that bug.

Now I am receiving “Verification failed” as Phil_Blockpit for any time range before 2021/06/01 for accounts that have a lot of data and just an empty response before 2021/0601 for some smaller accounts whereas the records do appear in the file downloaded from the Binance website. Note that this does not concern all accounts and for some of them data before 2021/06/01 can be retrieved.

It has been 1 month that this issue is open and it seems the problem only got worse.

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Hi @GG-lemon, can you list the Verification failed and Empty response scenarios with complete request URLs (query-string, omit sensitive data) and their corresponding responses (include error code and message), please?

Hi @aisling, thank you for your response, here is the data asked.

Large account with a lot of rebates:
{'params': {'startTime': 1614556800000, 'endTime': 1614643200000, 'page': 1}
<Response [400]>
{'code': 100001003, 'msg': 'Verification failed'}

Account with not many rebates (around 9000 in 1 year, 243 for the range queried - note that I tried with many ranges and all of them before 2021-06-01 returned an empty response):
{'params': {'startTime': 1614556800000, 'endTime': 1614643200000, 'page': 1}
<Response [200]>
{'status': 'OK', 'type': 'GENERAL', 'code': '000000000', 'data': {}}

Note that start and end time are the same for both queries, this is not a mistake.

Thanks a lot for the organised data, I’ve forwarded it to the team!

For “Verification failed”, this seems to be indeed occurring for accounts with a lot of data, can you try to query with a lower time range, maybe half a day or less?

For the 2nd case, your account ID is needed to look further, but we can’t request here as it’s a sensitive information, please reach out to Customer Support or you account manager (if you have one) and mention about this post, they’ll redirect internally.

@aisling Thank you for your quick follow up.
For “Verification failed”, I tried 1 hour, 1 minute and 1 second time time ranges and always get “Verification failed”.

For the 2nd case, it’s a customer’s account, I don’t have access to their account ID. It happens to several customers though.

@GG-lemon I see, are you able to get an account ID for each case? I’m afraid this is really needed for the team to have an ongoing example account to troubleshoot further. (And then please share the data with a Customer Support).

I already shared 2 big accounts with customer support in December. Looks like they were not able to fix this till now :frowning: Hope this gets fixed soon.

I get a similar problem observed by @GG-lemon, where rebate data before 2021-06-01 is not retrieved by the endpoint (I get instead empty responses). I have tried different time ranges to no avail.

Has this problem been fixed?