get_kline data different to trading graph

Hi there

I am using

symbol = “BTCUSDT”
candles = client.get_klines(symbol=symbol, interval=Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1HOUR, limit=24)

to retrieve the last 24 hours of data for the BTCUSDT ticker.

When I check this data set against the trading graph on I am getting inconsistencies of upto 3%.

Would be very keen to learn what I’m doing wrong :slight_smile:



We don’t manage python-binance library, so having the request URL in query-string would be more helpful next time.

Can you share precise details about inconsistencies of up to 3% that you see?

Hi there

Thanks for the suggestion.
I’ll change the code to use the URL and come back with the results.

Thanks again.



Hi there, just wanted to let you know that I’ve changed the code to use the URL and the inconsistencies have disappeared.

Thanks again.
