Get indicator from API like RSI, Moving average etc

hi All,

is there any way to get RSI and other indicator from binance API?

Thanks in advance

Have you found anything related?

Hi. Those metrics are not provided so far. You may have to make use of the websocket market streams to collect the data and calculate them by yourself.

Hi. Newbie here. Do you mean we have to save the data to database from the stream? or websocket can pull all existing data from binance database? I mean, to compute RSI we need older data, right? Thanks!

Yes that is correct, you will need to store historicals for as long as the indicator requires.


Is it still not available? If not, is there any website to simply get this info? Personally I’m interested in RSI value.


Hi how to find jurick moving average
I found this indecator but not avaiabel in binance
please help me
I am waiting of you

Did anyone found it? Im also looking to get RSI data

There are several libraries on the internet that calculate any indicator like Tulip for example, I personally programmed mine to practice my mathematics and my programming as well as adjust it to my needs and understand how the indicators work

Hi, TAAPI.IO is providing exactly that with real-time data. Give them a try.

Did something happen about that in API?

I coded an app to calculate RSI and then it informs the alert when needed.
If you guys are interested can find me at: Telegram: Contact @dat09signal

Hi sir how to find jma indecator in binance

You can use this library to calculate indicators GitHub - anandanand84/technicalindicators: A javascript technical indicators written in typescript with pattern recognition right in the browser
For example RSI: RunKit
With Binance data, need to input more than 120 close prices to get close rsi result match as chart.

Here’s the link: Tulip Indicators Bindings Bindings for other Programming Languages - Tulip Indicators

please give me jma indecator