Get Income History is not working properly

Well, it appears that the last week’s COIN SWAP DEPOSIT, COIN SWAP WITHDRAW, and FUNDING FEE data was not returned by this endpoint. It’s a bug, will you guys fix it? Other methods of obtaining this information exist?

  1. What is the used request URL in query-string? (omit sensitive information)
  2. Is everything returning normally on the website side?

the base url is “
and the endpoint GET /fapi/v1/income
im using this SDK
GitHub - binance/binance-futures-connector-python,
and the other methods work properly (get_account_trades)

@Idan_Nissenboum - Can you please confirm that you can indeed see the data on the Binance website as aisling2 requested?

Also if you provided any parameter values, please post the full request used.
"POST /api/v3/order?symbol=BNBUSDT&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=0.1&price=300.0&timestamp=1681378101045

Thanks you for your help , i found the problem income history endpoint only contains data for the last three months .