Get Fiat Payments History (USER_DATA) API endPoint


For the GET /sapi/v1/pay/transactions (HMAC SHA256) API call, I understand that with parameter transactionType = 0 (buy), the answer provides the “sourceAmount” argument as being in fiat and the “obtainAmount” in crypto. But is it also the case with transactionType = 1 (sell)? I am confused

Also, is the “totalFee” always in fiat or could be in crypto in some cases?

Thank you for your help,



Unfortunately we can’t test on our side, however, based on UI interface, the response for when GET /sapi/v1/fiat/payments has transactionType = 1, should be (for example):

      "sourceAmount": "4.462",  // Crypto trade amount
      "cryptoCurrency": "LUNA",  // Crypto token
      "obtainAmount": "20.0", // Fiat trade amount
      "fiatCurrency": "EUR",   // Fiat token
      "totalFee": "0.2",     // Trade fee in EUR

Thank you very much!