GET /fapi/v1/order problem after API update 2023-06-16

Good afternoon people. So, on 2023-06-15, I was able to make a request to verify orders on Binance futures, the next day, after the API update, I could no longer make the same Call. The way I’m doing it is as follows. When I run this code passing a valid OrderId (3376851365 for example), I get the following:

When I make a POST order request, the API works fully…

Conclusion: When I make a Post order request, the API works fine. But when I want to use Query Order with the GET method using the same route, the API responds with Error 502 but it does not have any message or error code. Does anyone know what could be going on? Is my code wrong in some way, or is the API broken?

What does the final request URL looks like? (in query-string format)

Try to execute the same URL using another method (another code, postman, curl, etc…) to be 100% certain if it’s not the local code that’s causing the error.

The request URl is this:

I will try to do the request with other method/library, but i really think that the GET method is not working for the /fapi/v1/order. When i use Post or Delete, the code works. But, when i add the needed parameters and call a Get request, it fails. The return is the code 502 and it is no error message.

I tried a simple code in python and was able to get the order status. But, i need to know what is wrong with my rust code. Do you know if im missing something in the request?


Test again by changing the order of recvWindow and timestamp params, like

As rule of thumb, if there’s no several reports about malfunctioning of an endpoint usage, then it’s usually user’s local end issue.

I tried to change the parameter order but it still doesn’t work. Same error. Actually, if i dont pass any parameter in this request, the same error occurs, so, i have no ideia what is happening.

And, if i try a post order in the same URL, everything works fine…