Get error in Swagger, newOrder and bswapSwap

I’m building a proxy in NodeJs however when I use the newOrder and bswapQuote from @binance/connector I get an error code: -12015, msg: ‘Input parameter setting error’

I have used the example:

client.bswapSwap(‘USDT’, ‘BUSD’, 20)
.then(response => logger(
.catch(error => logger(error))

and when I check the response it seems correct:


Even Swagger gives an error and I can check my coins so I do have a connection, and credentials are checked.

What could be wrong?

Thank you

I don’t think BUSD/USDT is still available (can’t find it under, you can confirm this by using GET /sapi/v1/bswap/pools endpoint.

Thanks for the answear.
That’s what I thought but the example I found uses this and the error message was a bit miss leading. The team should maybe give a better error message.
Then I know for sure

The example is just an example, the time it was introduced the BUSD/USDT was probably still available, but then it was taken down.
I agree with the error message not being suitable for debugging. We’ll share the feedback. Thank you.