I’m developing an application to read the Binance Order Book as following:
data = dict()
data["method"] = "SUBSCRIBE"
data["params"] = []
for symbol in self.ws_subscriptions:
data["params"].append(symbol + "@depth5@100ms")
data["id"] = self._ws_id
self.log_event(f"Contracts to be subscribed: {data}")
self.log_event(f"WebSocket {data['method']} to {self.ws_channel_book} update")
except Exception as e:
self.log_event(f"ERROR: WebSocket error while {data['method']} {self.ws_channel_book} {e}")
It works perfectly but I have a specific need that is basically to “aggregate” the positions coming from the stream. Is there a way to request via API a specific aggregation data set?
Let me explain with two simple images
standard order book obtained via API
aggregated order book that I need
Thanks to all of you will spot the light to help me.