If you replace the payload in this quick script: https://github.com/binance/binance-signature-examples/blob/master/python/spot/spot.py
Does the same error code happens?
What happens if you use the API Key’s Binance account to make the transfer on the UI?
You can also test with Postman https://github.com/binance/binance-api-postman
Since this error message is too general, we’ll have to debug a bit to gather more details.
Hi @aisling2 , I have some more clues for you, I hope these will help:
I ran the following shell script, and all the requests are succeeding except for two, both at sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/. They return these errors:
POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/internalTransfer returns {"code":200000000,"msg":"General error."}.
POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/enable returns {"code":-1000,"msg":"System abnormality"}.
But POST /sapi/v1/sub-account/margin/enable works, even when I called it again after enabling margin. I thought maybe “system abnormality” meant “already enabled,” because I received that when trying to enable futures (and futures for the sub-account was enabled already in the UI), but I did not get “system abnormality” when enabling margin several times in a row.
Could it be an issue with /sapi/v1/sub-account/futures/…`? Maybe I should just erase the subaccount and make a new one.
Using the spot.py script you linked instead of the um_futures.py one I was using earlier:
Doing sapi/v1/futures/transfer with transfer type either 1 or 2, I receive a transaction id for a successful request. This works while making the request using either the sub-account’s credentials or the master account’s.
I have made successful transfers to the subaccount from the UI.
Also running sapi/v1/futures/transfer works with the um_futures.py script I had before works, but for both scripts, I receive the “General Error” when trying sapi/v1/sub-account-futures/internalTransfer. Maybe there is something I need to enable in the UI first, does master-subaccount internal transfer require this? I noticed that Universal Transfer does.
Again thanks for your help, I’ll do everything you suggest to get this resolved soon.
This is resolved, sub-account/futures/internalTransfer is from main futures to subaccount futures – and I had no balance in the main futures account. We’ll need to use sub-account/universalTransfer to transfer from main spot to subaccount futures. Thanks anyway @aisling2