Futures Trading Quantitative Rules violated Error

Hello Support,
I understand that Binance Futures has trading rules that users must follow. Today, I encountered an error regarding trading rules, and I’m wondering how I can know when I am able to place open orders and how many orders I can place? Is there an API endpoint available to find out this information?

    data: {
      code: -4400,
      msg: 'Futures Trading Quantitative Rules violated, only reduceOnly order is allowed, please try again later.'
GET /fapi/v1/apiTradingStatus

I found this API endpoint and this is result:

  "indicators": {
    "ACCOUNT": [
        "indicator": "TMV",
        "value": 10,
        "triggerValue": 13,
        "plannedRecoverTime": 1710499035000,
        "isLocked": true
  "updateTime": 1710497224180

I don’t understand the parameters even though I refer to: Binance Futures Trading Quantitative Rules. Can anyone help me understand?!