Futures API testnet not reachable

Testnet is not reachable and give me this error :

Message=APIError(code=0): Invalid JSON error message from Binance:

502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway

client = Client(api_key, secret_key, testnet=True)

The futures testnet is working as intended. The spot testnet is currently under maintenance and will be available shortly.

No, it does not work. But yesterday it worked

the same thing happened to me.

Now it’s ok again.

Hi, the API doesn’t seem to be accepting orders (a spot order goes straight to expired). Also BNBUSDT is at $217 while the live price is circa $290. Not sure if everything is as it should be.

Testnet market prices are not guaranteed to be equal or similar to production prices. It is a separate market with no intended correlation.