Futures API: How to find out Funding Cap / Floor

The provided API endpoint /fapi/v1/fundingInfo doesn’t contain any information about the Funding Cap/Floor for the DOGEUSDT symbol. However, this data is specified on the webpage https://www.binance.com/en/futures/funding-history/perpetual/real-time-funding-rate.

How do I get it using API?

Hi, this endpoint only return the symbol with adjusted funding rate related info.

Query funding rate info for symbols that had FundingRateCap/ FundingRateFloor / fundingIntervalHours adjustment

But how can I get or calculate funding cap/floor for the DOGEUSDT?

hey @MixMix did you manage to figure this out? I am also trying to query the caps/floors

Hi @dino so the question here is that the api doesn’t return the info for all the markets, there is large number of them missing… including those of the ETHUSDT, BTCUSDT perp markets…
You can confirm this by looking here https://www.binance.com/bapi/futures/v1/public/future/common/get-funding-info
So my question is how do we get the “unadjusted” floors/caps. Since what you seem to be implying is that the api only services symbols with adjusted funding caps/floors.

I guess the answer is in this:

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