Filters for a Market Spot Order (no Limit set)

hi, i’m trying to understand the Filters that would apply to a Market Spot Order (no Limit set) via API. The documentation Binance API Documentation is not detailed enough, and there’s inconsistent opinions on forums. Could you please advise me:
(1) which Filters apply to an order on the Base asset (using quantity) ?
(2) which Filters apply to an order on the Quote asset (using quoteOrderQty) ?

When placing a Market order with quoteOrderQty, the system will use the provided quoteOrderQty and the best price from the open opposite order to calculate quantity, therefore the filters are the same for both when using quantity and quoteOrderQty.

Thanks Aisling. But I thought the filters are applied when the order is placed, so you won’t know the open opposite orders at that time. From reading on this forum and elsewhere, I thought the PRICE_FILTER applies to the Quote Asset, and the MARKET_LOT_SIZE and LOT_SIZE apply to the Base Asset (though some posts have said that the Quote Asset price is converted to compare against the LOT_SIZE filters). And does the MIN_NOTATIONAL only apply to the Base Asset quantity being multiplied by the price history?