I’m writing an app which supposed to show list of symbols with given market cap (as a range) and given daily volume (as a range). Is there any web service in API to do this kind of query?
I’m writing an app which supposed to show list of symbols with given market cap (as a range) and given daily volume (as a range). Is there any web service in API to do this kind of query?
For daily volume, you can obtain it from the kline endpoint (Binance API Documentation).
There isn’t any endpoint to query market cap.
Ok, thank you. But still I don’t know how to query list of symbols that are present on Binance and available to trade. Most queries demands to pass at least one symbol to fetch data.
OK. I think I’ve found what I was looking for. The ‘GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo’ (executed with no parameters) service provides list of all trading symbols in response.
Thanks again.