fapi/v1/userTrades price is zero

Request to futures fapi/v1/userTrades returns one of the row with zero price.

        "symbol": "BICOUSDT",
        "id": 897834,
        "orderId": 20622245,
        "side": "BUY",
        "price": "0", <<<<<<<<<<<-----
        "qty": "1",
        "realizedPnl": "0.26820000",
        "marginAsset": "USDT",
        "quoteQty": "0",
        "commission": "0",
        "commissionAsset": "USDT",
        "time": 1696154808626,
        "positionSide": "BOTH",
        "buyer": true,
        "maker": false

I’m pretty sure you can track this fill using ID and orderID. Please investigate the issue.

Please check the order details with online customer support.

Is it not my account. Just checking for our customer.
There is no point for me to contact support as it clearly a bug inside Binance.