Expiration time for spot and margin trading permission


this endpoint should return trading Authority ExpirationTime

"tradingAuthorityExpirationTime": 1628985600000 // Expiration time for spot and margin trading permission

but i test it and there is no tradingAuthorityExpirationTime key

{'ipRestrict': False, 'createTime': 1615986529000, 'enableSpotAndMarginTrading': True, 'enableVanillaOptions': False, 'enableInternalTransfer': False, 'enableMargin': False, 'enableReading': True, 'enableWithdrawals': False, 'enableFutures': False, 'permitsUniversalTransfer': False}


The “tradingAuthorityExpirationTime” is supposed to only appear for API Keys that has permission settings with “Enable Spot & Margin Trading” enabled and doesn’t have IPs listed under “IP access restrictions” in API Management webpage.
(Otherwise, there’s if there’s no need for expiration time)

yes my account has no ip access restrictions and Enable Spot & Margin Trading (and i checked other accounts same result )
ipRestrict': False 'enableSpotAndMarginTrading': True
but no tradingAuthorityExpirationTime

… it look like it work for sub-account only i try with sub-account and it show up but not with normal account
can tradingAuthorityExpirationTime add to normal accounts too ?

@lr2bmail Strange, I can’t reproduce this with a normal account.
Can you maybe re-edit your API Key permissions on webpage check if when you click the "Enable Spot & Margin Trading” permission, it appears the info message about 90 days limitation?

yes it work after i remove the "Enable Spot & Margin Trading” permission and then add it again