Error: Account has insufficient balance for requested action. (Order placed when we checked on allOrders)

We tried to place order using quoteOrderQty and the type is MARKET.
We have sufficient balance.
When we tried to place the order we are getting

code: -2010, msg: 'Account has insufficient balance for requested action.'

After that we checked our balance and all orders.
Balance is deducted and also a new order in appeared in the list.

baseURL: '[](',
method: 'post', url: '/api/v3/order?symbol=ETHUSDT&side=BUY&type=MARKET&quoteOrderQty=10.1&timestamp=1670352039533&signature=************'


data: {
code: -2010,
msg: 'Account has insufficient balance for requested action.'

But when I am checking the all orders I am getting the order has placed-
{ "symbol": "ETHUSDT", "orderId": 11932995753, "orderListId": -1, "clientOrderId": "dqPliQ9WXTHKg9a3EKXdyy", "price": "0.00000000", "origQty": "0.00800000", "executedQty": "0.00800000", "cummulativeQuoteQty": "9.99680000", "status": "FILLED", "timeInForce": "GTC", "type": "MARKET", "side": "BUY", "stopPrice": "0.00000000", "icebergQty": "0.00000000", "time": 1670352039621, "updateTime": 1670352039621, "isWorking": true, "origQuoteOrderQty": "10.10000000" }
In both cases BUY and SELL I am getting this.

Could someone help me on this?

Does the orderId match?
It might be a good idea to include a clientOrderId when creating a new order just to be sure and easier to track.

No I am not getting any order Id on the response. It only shows the error.
I have also sent with clientOrderId but still the same issue.

baseURL: '',
method: 'post',
url: '/api/v3/order?symbol=ETHUSDT&side=SELL&type=MARKET&newClientOrderId=testingSell1&quoteOrderQty=10.1&timestamp=1670408965488&signature=***********',


data: {
 code: -2010,
 msg: 'Account has insufficient balance for requested action.'

And when I am checking the all orders then I am getting this order on the list.

            "symbol": "ETHUSDT",
            "orderId": 11939267194,
            "orderListId": -1,
            "clientOrderId": "testingSell1",
            "price": "0.00000000",
            "origQty": "0.00820000",
            "executedQty": "0.00820000",
            "cummulativeQuoteQty": "10.06468000",
            "status": "FILLED",
            "timeInForce": "GTC",
            "type": "MARKET",
            "side": "SELL",
            "stopPrice": "0.00000000",
            "icebergQty": "0.00000000",
            "time": 1670408965579,
            "updateTime": 1670408965579,
            "isWorking": true,
            "origQuoteOrderQty": "10.10000000"

Hi @aisling2 , Could you plese check the response? I am still getting this issue.

Hi @Moniratna_Munshi, sorry for late reply.
Unfortunately, I’m not able to reproduce this and since it’s a request that touches your account’s assets, we can’t research further on this forum.
This being said, could you contact the customer support at Support Center, please? They’ll be able to analyse your account in more details to hopefully understand why you’re getting insufficient balance message.

Could it be that you by accident placed two orders in quick succession? One of them might have filled and you see it in your order history, the other one then failed since there was really not enough assets after the first order.