Error 500 calling Binance API

Error 500 return :
“Sequence contains no elements”
when calling Binance API below:

SYMBOL_PRICE_TICKER = “/api/v3/ticker/price”;
EXCHANGE_INFORMATION = “/api/v3/exchangeInfo”;

Can you give the details of the whole url?

Hi, Im calling the two URLs below from my own API, with api keys and secret.
Here is the screenshot of the result. Error 500.

SYMBOL_PRICE_TICKER = “/api/v3/ticker/price”;
Just found out this url is actually the cause of the 500 error, below is the screen shot that call the service which calling the Binance api.( FYI, the api is working fine on testnet):

I think that is your localhost server returned 500 error. If you check your log, there may be clue to know the problem