ERROR 400 Only in Margin Cross

I am executing my boot with the same strategy in cross and isolated in the BTCTUSD pair, but while in isolation it does not show any error when opening operations, the situation is different in cross, and although I have code to work the error and that the boot keep working I would like to avoid this error since this implies that three market operations are executed (the one that fails, the one that closes the current operation, and the one that tries to open the operation again) which generates a spread for the elapsed time in the three operations which in isolation is only one operation, I need to know what causes the 400 error in cross




I add the response header

When 400 Bad Request is thrown, there’s also a response error which contains the reason for the error, you need to check that.

This is the error response I receive and I don’t see any field that tells me the reason except for the message that appears in all the header methods

[Exception: TypeError: ‘caller’, ‘callee’, and ‘arguments’ properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them at Function.invokeGetter (<anonymous

What’s in the “body” field?
You cna also try on Postman with exactly same args: GitHub - binance/binance-api-postman: Postman collection for Binance Public API, including spot, margin, futures, etc.