Endpoint "/sapi/v3/asset/getUserAsset" stop returning balances after a while

Q: What are you trying to do?
A: Fetch balances of an account

Q: What have you done so far?
A: Query get user asset endpoint using binance-connector-ruby gem, following the guidance here: binance-connector-ruby/get_user_asset.rb at master · binance/binance-connector-ruby · GitHub

Q: What endpoints are you trying to hit?
A: /sapi/v3/asset/getUserAsset

Q: What responses are you receiving?
A: At first, the endpoint returns the balances as expected, but after a while, it returns an empty array. I checked and see the balance on the network is still there, so it seems that the problem is from the endpoint.
Here is the balance on the network: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer | 波场区块链浏览器

Additional info: The account I’m trying to fetch the balances for is a sub-account, created by a broker account from the Binance Exchange Link program.

Thanks for the feedback.

  1. what’s the parameters sent to the endpoint “sapi/v3/asset/getUserAsset” when it returns empty array?
  2. When returning empty array, please try to call “/api/v3/account” and see if you have balance. The method for this endpoint is available in the library.
  3. Is it easy to reproduce the issue?



  1. There is no parameter, although I understand that timestamp is required, it seems the library automatically adds that parameter, so it works without specifying it from my end.
  2. I did, it also returns the balance as 0 (which is not correct).
  3. To reproduce this, you can do the following:
  • generate a sub-account from the broker account
  • generate the API key/ API secret for that sub-account
  • generate a deposit address
  • deposit some money into the address
  • query the balance