Dotnet connector socket samples return one result

Hi - apologies my question is a simple one.

I am building a dotnet app to stream some data using websockets and I decided to use the binance nuget package to connect to the websocket.

I used to examples in a console app but (as it clearly states) returns only one result. When using postman with the same url, I get multiple results. I am not sure what needs to change to have this running as a long running process. Any help is appreciated.
Sample from git code

var websocket = new MarketDataWebSocket("btcusdt@kline_5m");

var onlyOneMessage = new TaskCompletionSource<string>(); // I am assuming this is what should change

          async (data) =>
                    onlyOneMessage.SetResult(data);// I would like to replace this a function call but not sure how
          }, CancellationToken.None);

await websocket.ConnectAsync(CancellationToken.None);

 string message = await onlyOneMessage.Task;


I am new to Websockets and I am bit confused because I could get it working with other packages, but I prefer to use this nuget.

Many thanks

The examples are configured to accept one message and disconnect (to provide the full websocket connect/read/disconnect experience).
To continue reading beyond the first message, you can omit the TaskCompletionSource.SetResult() invocation and set it to wait for example 1000ms before disconnecting:

           var websocket = new MarketDataWebSocket("btcusdt@kline_5m");

                async (data) =>
            }, CancellationToken.None);

            await websocket.ConnectAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            await Task.Delay(1000);

            await websocket.DisconnectAsync(CancellationToken.None);

Thank you very much. There were 2 problems in my code.
1 - I didnt understand how to use the TaskCompletionSource. Your answer helped with that.
2 - i was running in a console app which exists when the code reaches the end of the class. I was expecting it to not exit given there is an open websocket connection. (not very smart).

thank you very much