I’d like to ask you that for https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/futures/en/#get-income-history-user_data endpoint I can see that I can get all type of income and fees.
My problem is that I couldn’t figure out that REALIZED_PNL is an absolute profit an loss or the fees like FUNDING_FEE or COMMISSION are included in this price.
Let me give you an example:
My quantity is let’s say $100
So if the fees are included then I’d have $110 on my account after this trade but if not included then $107 on my account.
Hello, the “income” amount in the response has not deducted the fee yet, so based on your example, you’ll get $110.
You can verify this by opening and closing a position using Futures Testnet, and then use the Testnet API key to compare responses from /fapi/v1/userTrades and /fapi/v1/income endpoints.
Thanks for your help!
Is there an ‘easy’ way to calculate profit for one specific order. I can see that these data are corresponding for the transaction and not for the orders and I can’t see how could I connect the order with its transactions.