Does opening a buy or sell order trigger User Data Stream functionalities?


So I have an application that runs user data streams, somehow I get nothing when opening or closing a Spot Order. I’ve only tested this on endpoints. Even this fact makes me wonder if User Data Stream is supposed to work on Testnet too.

I’ve created a separate app to listen on User Data Stream to make sure nothing else is executing running.
So I’ve opened an order in Postman using the same API and Secret keys.
STILL I don’t see an output for payload order.

I don’t like touching my actual Spot account so I’m doing this on testnet.
So can anyone confirm if this is supposed to work on testnet?

Yes, you’re suppose to receive updates: (Opening order gives order status “NEW”)
Make sure you’ve done the connection correctly.

Hello, is this proven to be working on testnet too?


Turns out I was just having an error of changing just the endpoints (between live and testnet account) and not consider the port numbers. I’m using a library that requires putting the port number along with the endpoint
According to this image, taken from

So if I’m required to put the port number, what would be the port number for wss:// ?

Port 9443 doesn’t seem to work for wss://

Does 9443 work on the SPOT API?

If not, maybe a firewall is blocking 9443 on your network?


Does 9443 work on the SPOT API?

If not, maybe a firewall is blocking 9443 on your network?

Hi Andy, yes the port 9443 is working for me.
I’m actually using boost beast library.
So the current situation is…
wss:// is working
but not wss://

I’ll go test a minimum application using boost.beast since both stream servers are working when I’m using wscat command-line app.