Does binance have an API for up-to-date p2p ads?

I tried to find p2p endpoints in the official documentation of binance, but my attempts were unsuccessful


If you successfully register as a Merchant (Buy and Sell Bitcoin on P2P | Local Bitcoin Exchange | Binance), you will have access to the private P2P/C2C API endpoints. It’s a separate API How Do I Become a Binance P2P Merchant? | Binance Blog

Is it possible to have support for the documentation and endpoints? I am a merchant and I always see multiple questions in the forum but never receive a useful response from the team here.

@jeff0102 - We provide support for the publicly available APIs/endpoints/websockets which are outlined in the Documentation. There is a separate API for P2P merchants and for any questions regarding that, you’ll need to contact Binance Customer Support for more information.