Documentation not correct for "Get C2C Trade History"

For GET /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/listUserOrderHistory (Get C2C Trade History (USER_DATA))
API documentation says:

“Only the last 6 months of data can be retrieved. To view the complete P2P order history, you can download it from

But when you actually go to you are faced with this message:

“Selected date range cannot exceed 6 months from today.”

Any idea on how to get data older than 6 month?
If not possible using the Binance API, is it possible using any other means?

i have same issue

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Thanks for the feedback, we will investigate.


any update for this issue ?

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this has been long time. Any updates?

i would also like to get all my transaction records so i can file taxes

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startTime and endTime is not working for this endpoint. Always return last 7 days. Please FIX it out ASAP!