Different result in API(spot) and Web

Hi everyone,

I am testing some endpoints and comparing the API results with what is shown on the web.

I’ve been testing for a few hours and I see some differences in the simple-earn endpoints.
For example:

1) api result

“asset”: “WBETH”,
“latestAnnualPercentageRate”: “0”,
“airDropPercentageRate”: “0.0380695”,
“canPurchase”: true,
“canRedeem”: true,
“isSoldOut”: false,
“hot”: false,
“minPurchaseAmount”: “0.0001”,
“productId”: “WBETH001”,
“subscriptionStartTime”: 1691741476000,
“status”: “PURCHASING”

For WBETH there is a airDropRate with 3,8% And it is active.

2) web result with WBETH in simple-earn (flexible & fixed)

For WBETH there are no simple-earn offers

I thought the endpoints:
…/sapi/v1/simple-earn/flexible/list? (simple-earn flexible)
…/sapi/v1/simple-earn/locked/list? (simple-earn locked)
They are the equivalent of the offers shown on the web: “earn / simple-earn”

In Api (1) there is an offert for WBETH , in Web (2) there is not any offert for WBETH , why?

thanks in advance,

Another example with the same endpoint

            "asset": "VET",
            "latestAnnualPercentageRate": "0.00002784",
            "airDropPercentageRate": "0.00579985",
            "canPurchase": true,
            "canRedeem": true,
            "isSoldOut": false,
            "hot": false,
            "minPurchaseAmount": "1",
            "productId": "VET001",
            "subscriptionStartTime": 1589967833000,
            "status": "PURCHASING"

But, in the web (earn / simple-earn menu)


Airdrop rate its ok.

But, latestAnnualPercentageRate is the rate for VET asset and it is 0.00002784 (0.002784%), but in web is 0%.

Perhaps ¿If the rate is less0.01% then it will be taken as 0 in web? it works like this?

Thank you,

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It’s likely the scenario, however we don’t know how the Website manages the rounding of the numbers for sure as we only have access to public information as well.


Hello, that’s a good point and I couldn’t find a reason for it. Could you please contact the Customer Support and inform them of this, please? They might be able to explain or find something that we’re missing. thank you!