while using the official Java API Library ( io.github.binance.binance-connector-java) to execute purchases of Staking products for various assets i came across this error: {“code”:-1102,“msg”:“Mandatory parameter ‘amount’ was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed.”}.
The error occurred only for some assets/products while for other pairs the purchase completed correctly and in every call to the API, the “amount” parameter was correctly set as a Double value as expected by the method “com.binance.connector.client.impl.spot.Staking.purchase(LinkedHashMap<String, Object> parameters)”.
After some troubleshooting I found that the error occurs every time I pass an amount value with decimal digits with every asset/productId pair, while if I pass an integer value, the call completes correctly every time.
Looking at the querystring that is generated with decimal values I found that the library escapes the decimal separator with %2C:
while with integer values there are no escapes and the call succedes:
Does someone has faced the same issue or has any hint on how to solve it?
Thank you all,