Client Order ID's for OCO order

Hi there

I’m placing an OCO order and providing the three client order ID’s (i.e. listClientOrderId, stopClientOrderId, & limitClientOrderId).

Two of the order ID’s I provide are acknowledged and returned by the Binance API but the limitClientOrderId is not. Instead, it generates its own random unique limitClientOrderId.

I’m using a third-party connector and this is the query string it is posting:


And here is the response I get back (note the random unique limitClientOrderId):

  orderListId: 75289366,
  contingencyType: 'OCO',
  listStatusType: 'EXEC_STARTED',
  listOrderStatus: 'EXECUTING',
  listClientOrderId: '2209281154002',
  transactionTime: 1664319287983,
  symbol: 'BTCBUSD',
  isIsolated: true,
  orders: [
    [Object: null prototype] {
      symbol: 'BTCBUSD',
      orderId: 6261337530,
      clientOrderId: '2209281154003'
    [Object: null prototype] {
      symbol: 'BTCBUSD',
      orderId: 6261337531,
      clientOrderId: 'RCVNxokAyH8AnQg3kkkugl'
  orderReports: [
    [Object: null prototype] {
      symbol: 'BTCBUSD',
      orderId: 6261337530,
      orderListId: 75289366,
      clientOrderId: '2209281154003',
      transactTime: 1664319287983,
      price: '21082.40000000',
      origQty: '0.00100000',
      executedQty: '0',
      cummulativeQuoteQty: '0',
      status: 'NEW',
      timeInForce: 'GTC',
      type: 'STOP_LOSS_LIMIT',
      side: 'BUY',
      stopPrice: '19082.40000000'
    [Object: null prototype] {
      symbol: 'BTCBUSD',
      orderId: 6261337531,
      orderListId: 75289366,
      clientOrderId: 'RCVNxokAyH8AnQg3kkkugl',
      transactTime: 1664319287983,
      price: '19072.40000000',
      origQty: '0.00100000',
      executedQty: '0',
      cummulativeQuoteQty: '0',
      status: 'NEW',
      timeInForce: 'GTC',
      type: 'LIMIT_MAKER',
      side: 'BUY'

Could this be a bug in the Binance API?

Thanks in advance

Thanks for feedback, we will review and share with team.