Challenge with Binance WebSocket Aggregate Trade Chunks Grouping


I am conducting market activity analysis and facing a challenge with processing Binance WebSocket aggregate trade data. When receiving data via WebSocket, market trades are split into many chunks.

Problem Description

For example, looking at ALPHAUSDT trades, we see a single trade of 37,101 units at 20:58:41. However, in the WebSocket stream, this trade comes in multiple separate chunks with varying parameters. The challenge is to correctly identify and merge these chunks into the original trades.

Current Implementation

class TradeChunk:
    price: float
    quantity: float
    timestamp: int
    is_maker_buyer: bool
    f_id: int
    l_id: int

class Trade:
    price: float
    quantity: float
    trade_value: float
    timestamp: int
    is_maker_buyer: bool

class PendingTrade:
    chunks: List[TradeChunk] = field(default_factory=list)

    def to_trade(self):
        last_chunk = self.chunks[-1]
        total_quantity = sum(chunk.quantity for chunk in self.chunks)
        total_value = sum(chunk.price * chunk.quantity for chunk in self.chunks)
        return Trade(price=last_chunk.price, quantity=total_quantity, trade_value=total_value, 
                    timestamp=last_chunk.timestamp, is_maker_buyer=last_chunk.is_maker_buyer)

class TradeProcessor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.pending_chunks: dict = {}
        self.processing_lock = asyncio.Lock()

    def should_append_to_trade(chunk: TradeChunk, last_chunk: Optional[TradeChunk]) -> bool:
        if not last_chunk:
            return True
        # here should be the logic for determining if a chunk belongs to the current trade

    def create_trade(self, symbol: str, chunk: TradeChunk) -> Optional[PendingTrade]:
        if symbol not in self.pending_chunks:
            self.pending_chunks[symbol] = PendingTrade()

        last_chunk = self.pending_chunks[symbol].chunks[-1] if self.pending_chunks[symbol].chunks else None
        if self.should_append_to_trade(chunk, last_chunk):
            return None

        pending_trade = self.pending_chunks.pop(symbol)
        self.pending_chunks[symbol] = PendingTrade([chunk])
        return pending_trade

    async def handle_message(self, message: dict, market_type: str):
            data, symbol = message["data"], message["data"]["s"]
            chunk = TradeChunk(price=float(data["p"]), quantity=float(data["q"]), timestamp=data["T"],
                               is_maker_buyer=data["m"], f_id=data["f"], l_id=data["l"])

            async with self.processing_lock:
                pending_trade = self.create_trade(symbol, chunk)
                if pending_trade:
          "Processing trade with quantity {pending_trade.to_trade().quantity} at time {datetime.fromtimestamp(pending_trade.to_trade().timestamp / 1000).strftime('%H:%M:%S')}")
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Error processing trade message: {e}", exc_info=True)

Currently, I group chunks using time intervals. This works for low-activity pairs like ALPHA where there are clear time gaps between different trades. However, for high-activity pairs like WLDUSDT with 20-50 chunks per second from different trades, this approach fails.

Challenges with Parameters

Binance WebSocket API provides aggregated trades streams in the following format:

  "e": "aggTrade",    // Event type
  "E": 123456789,     // Event time
  "s": "BTCUSDT",     // Symbol
  "a": 5933014,       // Aggregate trade ID
  "p": "0.001",       // Price
  "q": "100",         // Quantity
  "f": 100,           // First trade ID
  "l": 105,           // Last trade ID
  "T": 123456785,     // Trade time
  "m": true,          // Is the buyer the market maker?
  • Event type (e): Does not provide information for grouping, just indicates the type of event.
  • Event time (E): Can vary significantly between chunks of the same transaction. The difference between chunks of a single trade may be greater than between chunks of different trades, making timestamps an unreliable criterion for grouping.
  • Symbol (s): Only identifies a trading pair, does not help in chunk grouping.
  • Aggregate trade ID (a): Unique for each chunk, even within a single trade, making it useless for grouping.
  • Price (p): Can vary between chunks of the same trade, as an order can be executed at different price levels.
  • Quantity (q): Represents only a portion of the total volume of a trade, does not give information about belonging to a specific trade.
  • First/Last trade ID (f/l): Always consistent, even between different trades. The ID of the last trade of one chunk is always one less than the ID of the first trade of the next chunk, regardless of trade affiliation.
  • Trade time (T): Like Event time, can vary between chunks of the same trade and does not provide a reliable criterion for grouping.
  • Is buyer maker (m): Can vary between chunks of the same trade, since a large order can be executed against orders of different market participants.

Creating individual time intervals for each trading pair is not a solution either, as:

  1. Trading activity constantly changes
  2. Requires manual parameter adjustments
  3. Needs continuous market monitoring
  4. Not scalable for 200+ trading pairs


I need a universal algorithm that can correctly group chunks belonging to the same trade, regardless of the trading pair’s activity level. Either that, or perhaps I’m misinterpreting the API’s functionality. Are there any patterns or parameters in the API data that could help solve this challenge? Or is there anything else I should be using?

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

I believe you’re confused about the relationship between trades, aggregate trades, and orders.

REST API documentation clarifies what aggregate trades are:

Trades that fill at the time, from the same taker order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated.

“Market Trades” in web trading terminal UI shows the aggTrade stream verbatim (you can check this using developer tools in the browser). There is no extra aggregation of aggregate trades there.

The aggregate trade stream is an aggregation of individual trades (the trade) stream. The f and l fields in aggTrade events indicate which trades are included in the aggregate trade.

Now, it is possible (and common) that a single taker order produces multiple aggregate trades. For example, in you screenshot the ALPHAUSDT aggtrades 141521470…141521473 were most likely produced by the same order trading at different price levels. In this case the aggregate trades will have the same T value.

If you want to group aggregate trades by the taker order (for example, to learn the quantities), grouping them by s and T is your best approximation. Market data streams do not include order IDs, so you can only guess that events happening at the same time were caused by the same taker order.

Note that WebSocket streams now support microsecond timestamp precision (add timeUnit=MICROSECOND to the connection URL), which should make it easier to avoid accidentally grouping different orders.

Thank you for the detailed explanation. However, some popular trading terminals (like league of traders) consistently and accurately group aggregate trades into original market orders for any trading pair. They seem to achieve this with high precision even on high-activity pairs.

Are there perhaps some additional parameters or combinations of existing parameters (beyond just symbol and timestamp) that could improve the accuracy of order grouping?

Not that I know of, sadly. Public market data streams do not expose order identifiers, so grouping by timestamp seems to be as close as you can get. (Even though it has caveats. For example, stop-loss orders execute at the same timestamp as the order that crossed the stop-loss price threshold, so they’d look like a part of that order in the aggtrade stream.)

Are you sure they are doing that from Binance streams? It would be easy for them to group the orders placed through their platform.