Cant create market order

Im using Python and I’m trying to place an order, buying BTC with Euros.

The order is the following:
order = client.order_market_buy(symbol=‘BTCEUR’, quantity=“0.00002”)

However, it gives me the MIN_NOTIONAL error. Supposedly, the minQty is 0.00001, and then the MIN NOTIONAL is 10, but I dont understand. Do I need to buy 10 BTC to be able to operate? How come is this compatible with the 0.00001 minQty?

Thank you!

MIN_NOTIONAL = 10 means you have buy at least 10 USDT worth of asset not BTC.

Hey Chai,

I’m trying to buy around 15 euros, which is over 10 USDT worth of Bitcoin. I still dont know what the issue is. I have around 20 euros in my account.

Check your quantity, you may have placed more zeroes than you expect