cannot place MARKET order on testnet

Hi, i am trying to send this order and i get the error below, can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong ?

{ “newClientOrderId”, S1W-9P8-3W3-210A},
{ “symbol”, “XMRUSDT”},
{ “side”, “BUY”},
{ “type”, “MARKET” },
{ “quantity”, 1.0}

response :
{“code”:-4131,“msg”:“The counterparty’s best price does not meet the PERCENT_PRICE filter limit.”}

It is actually due to the lack of liquidity on the testnet.
When handling MARKET orders, the price used depends on the lowest/highest price at which the MARKET order is traded.
A large BUY MARKET order may encounter slippage, exceeding the markPrice * multiplierUp due to low liquidity in the order book, resulting in the PERCENT_PRICE filter error.

Try with a different symbol that has a higher number of open orders.