can not reach Testnet Account Information

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccountSnapshot.class);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LinkedHashMap<String, Object> parameters = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        parameters.put("type", "SPOT");

        SpotClientImpl client = new SpotClientImpl(PrivateConfig.TESTNET_API_KEY, PrivateConfig.TESTNET_SECRET_KEY, DefaultUrls.TESTNET_URL);

        String result = client.createWallet().accountSnapshot(parameters);;

As you can see in the code I set my TestnetApiKey and TestnetSecretKey and also DeafultUrls.TESTNET_URL as base path when initializing the SpotClientImpl. But I get an exception and when I click on the link of the get request I see the following error " This page can’t be found" do you know what could be the reason? Do the newly created keys require some time to be valid?

this method from wallet module is not supported on the testnet.