Calculated EMA 99 is not precise

Hi guys,
I try to get ema 99 with different NodeJS libs (precision-trading-indicators - npm , Trading-signals NPM | , and more), but none of them give precise result. Some of them can give accurate ema 25, but none for ema 99.
Do you know any ways/any libs that can calculate ema 99 precisely?
Thanks in advance!


The reason you’re having trouble with ema 99 is because it’s an extremely computationally intensive process to calculate. You can try using the decimal.js library (npm install decimal.js) or some other “big-number” library to help you calculate it more accurately.

Thanks for your suggestion. I already used some NodeJS libs that invokes big-number, e.g. Trading-signals NPM | or precision-trading-indicators - npm. But no help
Do you know any thing that really works?
Thank you