BUG_REPORT_WEBSITE intermediate Verification - ICON to_upload_Images NOT VISIBLE


Current solution - manualy scoll up in the POPUP window -> BAD UX
it seams this is an issue with the websites responsive calculation mechanism

Hey folks i discovered a BUG which is giving very BAD USER EXPERIANCE

On Safari Browser (2021.08.18)


Binance.com website
Upload image of ID Card

=> BUG: the ICON for uploading images is NOT visible (But it is there and can be clicked)
=> UX: normal users wait forever ?!?! not beeing able to continue complete intermediate verification process with government id card

ON DRIVERS LICENCE - there are 2 image upload icons visible - maybe the screen for uploading passports is also broken (showing only 1 image upload icon instead of 2)

PLEASE pass this bug report to DEVs doing the BINANCE_WEBSITE

(unless this behavior is intentionally wanted by binance strategy - you never know what the business people hacked recently :wink:

Hello, thanks for your post!

However the best channel to provide UX feedback is through https://www.binance.com/en/my/user-support/feedback/entry.

The “Site Feedback” tag here is concerning https://dev.binance.vision/ :slight_smile: