BinanceApiException: [Executing] -1111: Precision is over the maximum defined for this asset.

I’m getting this error when I’m sending an order with quantity with 5 scale precision - 0.12345
Why? In info there is:
“tickSize”: “0.01000000” so it’s 8.

“tickSize”: “0.01000000” means 2 decimals at maximum for the price.

Check Binance API Documentation → PRICE_FILTER section for the logic and conditions.

It’s mean that for BTC I can open position with minimu 0.01 quantity?

Hi @oolski , tickSize is from the PRICE_FILTER filter.

For quantity precision, you check the LOT_SIZE filter, where you can check the min quantity, max quantity and the stepSize field. This is also available in the doc Binance API Documentation → LOT_SIZE.

If you have more questions, please provide an example of your request in query string, together with the error message, so that the community can have a better understanding of error and help more precisely,