Binance Vision / Historical spot data daily / monthly (possibly) missing

I have noticed that numerous (at the time of writing 134) trading pairs appear to be missing gaps of data. As one example LTCTUSD starts at 2019-01-24 on the daily spot trades, and continues through to current date (minus 1 day of course). In the middle of the available date range, seems to end at 2021-12-17, and then resume 2023-05-31. I have also looked at the monthly and the gap (in this case), appears to align with the gap on the daily.

As noted there are 134 trading pairs that appear to be incomplete, however I do understand that some trading pairs get delisted or suspended, and may also resume trading. My question, is there a reliable method of determining whether or not these gaps are due to a specific reason (like delisting/suspension), or is the data just in fact missing.

Thank you!

Hi @Aaron_Murray, please use the API endpoints to consult if the results are missing and if it’s the case search for announcements to understand what could’ve happened.
Per observation, 90% of the time, the data is missing due to a suspension or delisting.