Binance.US: How is Realized FEE (usd) column calculated (see CSV reports from UI)

Hi when I got transaction data from the web browser UI “generate report” feature I get a CSV file that has multiple columns. One of which breaks down FEE. This column is called “Realized_Amount_For_Fee_Asset_In_USD_Value”. When I try to recalculate this value I get a value that is not the same and is off by a marginal amount. For example, say I have a FEE of 0.1 SOL and the purchase price was 21.09 SOLUSD, if I was to calculate the realized USD fee value it would be $2.109 (i.e., 0.1 SOL * 21.09 SOLUSD) but the column says $2.097. The difference is small but should not be different at all. How does this column get calculated?

This forum is mainly for API topics. So unfortunately, your question is out of our reach, we advise you reaching out to the customer support for Binance.US.

It’s a question about fee calculation. Is fee calculation that different from Binance that it can’t be answered here??

Apologies, but we don’t have any information about how Binance.US operates.