Binance Pay Webhook Verification

I have started integrating the Binance Pay API.
I would like to know where to get the Public Key used to verify the Signature of a webhook.
I have tried calling the POST /binancepay/openapi/certificates but I always getting 401 status code.

It is to be noted that I have already integrated the /v3/orders API so I don’t understand why I get an Unauthorized error when calling this certificates endpoint.

Can any one help?

would you like to be a merchant and accept payment by Binance Pay? If so, please contact customer support, they will help you with setup the merchant ID or related concern.

Hello dino,
Thank you for your answer.
I am a merchant already.
I can already create orders, query them etc.

My only worry is how to get the certificate required to verify the webhook notifications.
Thank you.