binance newbie question

I am a total newbie in the crpto world so please a few dumb questions:
I have deposited $10 in my binance account for testing.
Then i transfered $5 into my futures
I am using this code for buy order:

timeInForce=‘GTC’, # Can be changed - see link to API doc below
price=1, # The price at which you wish to buy/sell, float
side=‘BUY’, # Direction (‘BUY’ / ‘SELL’), string
quantity=0.001 # Number of coins you wish to buy / sell, float

I get this exception:
BinanceAPIException: APIError(code=-4013): Price less than min price.

I am wondering if it is possible to buy $1 of btc to get started and later invest more.
I have been stuck here for a while. Desperate looking for help.
Help please.


This price is too low for symbol “BTCUSDT”, please consult the exhangeInfo endpoint at to get the filters you need to pass to submit an order successfully.

And since you’re starting, I would suggest you to start with the Testnet URL ( to not lose real money.

Thank you aisling, Could you please help in what is the min price allowed to specify in the order.