Hellow and a Good day!
I was terribly tired of looking for an answer to an almost obvious question:
After having installed ‘binance _ connector’ I have already tried a billion options, but I always get the same error - binance.error.ClientError: (400, -18000, ‘Invalid gift card code Entered, Please enter the correct code and try again.’…
what we have:
there is a conditional giftcard code - ‘KWQE4BFY’
and here is the program code:
from binance.spot import Spot
secret = xxx
client = Spot(api_key=apikey, api_secret=secret)
searched all examples referred to by “documentation” (Binance API Documentation) including git _hub (https ://github.com/binance/binance-connector-python/blob/master/examples/spot/gift_card/gift_card_redeem_code.py), but the realization of why the error appears and in this particular formulation didnot came.
The answer is obviously somewhere very close, but I’ve been searching for a week, and I just can’t find it …