binance futures testnet website broken

testnet futures website appears broken…
I’ve tried multiple devices/networks.
While logged into a test account, the price is not updating without a manual refresh, orders and positions are also not updating.

could you please look into this
thank you :slight_smile:

It would appear the binance futures testnet website is working properly again :slight_smile:
Thank you and the team :slight_smile:

Thanks for reporting the issue. The team is working on it.

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The issue is still occurring when I checked again, more info.

When I visit the url:

Without logging in, the websocket remains active and the price/order books update fine.

When I login to a test account, the websocket closes and fails to reconnect after multiple attempts leaving the price/order books frozen and positions/orders do not update.

Thanks for looking into the issue further. :slight_smile:

This issue is still occuring.

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