binance-connector-node returns Filter failure: PERCENT_PRICE

I am trying to make an order with binance-connector-node as follows:

const options = {
  price: 438.3,
  quantity: 0.2,
  timeInForce: "GTC",

(async () => {
  try {
    const orderData = (
      await client.newOrder("BTCBUSD", "BUY", "LIMIT", options)
    console.log({ orderData });
  } catch (e) {

But I keep getting { code: -1013, msg: 'Filter failure: PERCENT_PRICE' } despite verifying that the current price is around 438 using

const klines = (
    await client.klines(symbol, "5m", {
      limit: 1,

// Result

and using:

const exchangeInfo = (await client.exchangeInfo({ symbol: symbols.BTCBUSD }))
  console.log({ ex: exchangeInfo.symbols[0].filters });
// Result
      filterType: 'PERCENT_PRICE',
      multiplierUp: '5',
      multiplierDown: '0.2',
      avgPriceMins: 5

What am I doing wrong?

But I keep getting { code: -1013, msg: 'Filter failure: PERCENT_PRICE' } despite verifying that the current price is around 438 using

There might be an issue here. The kline provided does not match the BTCBUSD kline.

Confirm that the symbol passed to the klines endpoint is the same as the symbol used in the order.

Oops!! Sorry! Thank you so much for your help. I made the mistake of using different symbols, and to think that I’ve been on this for hours!!