Binance API trades definition

HI, i am making a code for myself and stuck upon a question wich is really important. So there is a function “get recent trades” and the question is what the actual meaning of termin trade. Is it market trade or limit trade? And if it is market do I get a whole trade in general or raw trade?

As long it’s a trade, it’ll be under GET /api/v3/trades, doesn’t matter if the match happens from a market or limit order.
There’s no whole trade term, maybe you’re confusing with order? As one order can have many trades. A trade is just whenever two orders with opposite sides (buy/sell) match.

If isBuyerMaker is true, this means there was a market sell trade executed and if it’s false then a market buy trade executed.

Limit trades are passive trades. They just sleep in the book until someone’s order matches or untill they expire or until they get canceled.

isBuyerMaker means, there was a pending buy order (limit buy) and somebody sold to it.

I hope this helps.

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