I am using python to make a simple program that makes an order with the
create_test _order operation…
I want to make it as a function that takes three parameters of SYMBOL PAIR and amount
and makes an order like this def buy(amount: int , symbol: str, pair: str):
I keep getting invalid symbol from the way I build it .
for example I tried buying BTC with USDT or the opposite and I put in symbol parameter of the create_order symbol + quote and it keeps rejecting my pairs.
I write in capital letters too.
is there a way to request from the API in python all the allowed pairing in strings that are accepted in the create_order method?
I want to at least make another method that generates those symbols in the correct way for the SIDE_BUY operation, I try for some pairs and it works and for some it doesn’t. its really frustrating…
thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to read and help.